Sweet corn
451 F1
451 F1
451 F1
Crop: Sweet Corn
Type: SH2 Sugar Enhanced
Variety: 451 F1
- Plant:Vigorous plant but with not much height, maturing in approximately 75 days. Considers to be a very early variety.
- Fruits: The height is around 170-180 cm. The cob height is 60-65 cm.
- Resistances: HR MDMV, PS IR Et (NCLB).
- Positioning & Features: Very good resistance to lodging and to bedding. Ideal for fresh and processing market.
452 F1
451 F1
451 F1
Crop: Sweet Corn
Type: SH2 Sugar Enhanced
Variety: 452 F1
- Plant: plant medium height and good insert of ear with an excellent ear package. The refined ear grows on a strong plant and has good tip fill. Maturing in approximately 80 days.
- Fruits: the height is around 160-180 cm. The cob height is 60-65 cm.
- Resistances: HR: Ps
- Positioning & Features: very good resistance to lodging and to bedding. Ideal for fresh and processing marke